after some struggling, I finally got my setup running with GPU. This setup includes:
- A PC running Debian Linux Version 10 (Codename buster)
- A AMD Radeon RX 550 Graphics card
I also installed FAH as explained in ... des/linux/.
Initially FAH worked, but did not use the GPU. So I did the following:
- Add the user fahclient to the group render by running "adduser fahclient render" on a console as root. It is required to access the GPU, but it is not done by default (FAH 7.5.1).
- restart the fahclient outside of systemd
Surprisingly, this made a difference. I do not know why.
Code: Select all
systemctl stop FAHClient.service /etc/init.d/FAHClient start
- configure the GPU slot with opencl-index=0
- and most important: wait for the latest rocm update! (rocm-dkms version 3.3.0-19, early April 2020)

I hope this will help some of you in getting started.
(see also viewtopic.php?f=83&t=32226)