Forum Updated and Moved to New Host

Any announcements about changes to forum policy, updates on forum upgrades and other technical issues will be made here. This forum is read only.

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Forum Updated and Moved to New Host

Post by Joe_H »

The Folding@home forum has been moved to a new host with the software also updated to current versions. As best as can be seen, all content has been transferred from the old database. All accounts, their passwords, and settings relevant to the current software version of phpBB should be in place.

The admin email account has also been fixed, it was sending out properly, but any incoming email could not be read.

Some additional changes may occur over the next few months, notices will be posted if downtime is needed. Some features of the old forum were not compatible with the current version of phpBB, alternatives will be looked for.

Please let us know if you run into any problems.
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Posts: 7920
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Re: Forum Updated and Moved to New Host

Post by Joe_H »

As an addendum to this, for several weeks starting in late April the forum email was not working. That has been corrected this week on Wednesday the 18th. Activation emails for new accounts were not going out, I have resent those. Contact us through the admin email if you still have problems creating an account.

iMac 2.8 i7 12 GB smp8, Mac Pro 2.8 quad 12 GB smp6
MacBook Pro 2.9 i7 8 GB smp3