Fresh WU, 8.3.18 FAHCore24 isn't working or logging?

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Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:58 pm

Fresh WU, 8.3.18 FAHCore24 isn't working or logging?

Post by belloq »

I've dumped and re-downloaded work units but the same symptoms occur. It doesn't seem like the WU is being processed. The log just stops here. Does anything come to mind to try to get this machine to process again? It seemed fine until the last week or two I think. I don't know when it started having a problem as I don't really pay that much attention to FAH and just assume it's working away.

Code: Select all

01:02:01:W :Unrecognized option 'power'
01:02:01:W :Unrecognized option 'paused'
01:02:01:W :Unrecognized option 'pci-bus'
01:02:01:W :Unrecognized option 'pci-slot'
01:02:02:I3:Removing old file 'logs/log-20241026-235959.txt'
01:02:02:I1:*********************** Folding@home Client ***********************
01:02:02:I1: Version: 8.3.18
01:02:02:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
01:02:02:I1: Org:
01:02:02:I1: Copyright: 2023-2024,
01:02:02:I1: Homepage:
01:02:02:I1: License: GPL-3.0-or-later
01:02:02:I1: URL:
01:02:02:I1: Date: Jul 12 2024
01:02:02:I1: Time: 13:26:51
01:02:02:I1: Revision: 99ae953ee7b1c0b3070161cfcf9150184f76bd96
01:02:02:I1: Branch: master
01:02:02:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
01:02:02:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
01:02:02:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:02:02:I1: Platform: win32 10
01:02:02:I1: Bits: 64
01:02:02:I1: Mode: Release
01:02:02:I1: Config: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\config.xml
01:02:02:I1:****************************** CBang ******************************
01:02:02:I1: Version: 1.7.2
01:02:02:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
01:02:02:I1: Org: Cauldron Development
01:02:02:I1: Copyright: Cauldron Development, 2003-2024
01:02:02:I1: Homepage:
01:02:02:I1: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
01:02:02:I1: Date: Jun 24 2024
01:02:02:I1: Time: 13:29:54
01:02:02:I1: Revision: 1b05ea96f0ed3043c32b78a66dbf50a9b2002289
01:02:02:I1: Branch: master
01:02:02:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
01:02:02:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
01:02:02:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:02:02:I1: Platform: win32 10
01:02:02:I1: Bits: 64
01:02:02:I1: Mode: Release
01:02:02:I1:***************************** System ******************************
01:02:02:I1: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800H
01:02:02:I1: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3
01:02:02:I1: CPUs: 20
01:02:02:I1: Memory: 31.68GiB
01:02:02:I1:Free Memory: 17.80GiB
01:02:02:I1: OS Version: 6.2
01:02:02:I1:Has Battery: true
01:02:02:I1: On Battery: false
01:02:02:I1: Hostname: DL073RV3F97BC9
01:02:02:I1: UTC Offset: -8
01:02:02:I1: PID: 28860
01:02:02:I1: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient
01:02:02:I1: Exec: C:\Program Files\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe
01:02:02:I2: <!-- Resource Settings -->
01:02:02:I2: <cpus v='12'/>
01:02:02:I2: <!-- User Information -->
01:02:02:I2: <passkey v='*****'/>
01:02:02:I2: <team v='259998'/>
01:02:02:I2: <user v='belloq'/>
01:02:02:I1:Opening Database
01:02:02:I1:F@H ID = 0QARVvoMtxjXEYOqpfdMtYIOM3e_z6-d9PVbIJ-9FVs
01:02:02:I3:Loading default group
01:02:02:I3:Loading default resource group
01:02:02:I1:Listening for HTTP on
01:02:02:I3:WU234:Loading work unit 234 with ID bFD_qiAqkrCuq7lcNYgxY9rW76-_gwfYp8L_vSI1mwU
01:02:02:I3:Loaded 1 wus.
01:02:02:I1:Started Windows systray control
01:02:04:I3:gpus = {
01:02:04:I3: "gpu:00:02:00": {
01:02:04:I3: "vendor": 32902,
01:02:04:I3: "type": "intel",
01:02:04:I3: "description": "Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics",
01:02:04:I3: "uuid": "00000000-0000-0200-0000-000c46a68086",
01:02:04:I3: "opencl": {"platform": 1, "device": 0, "compute": "3.0", "driver": "32.0"},
01:02:04:I3: "device": 18086,
01:02:04:I3: "supported": false
01:02:04:I3: },
01:02:04:I3: "gpu:01:00:00": {
01:02:04:I3: "vendor": 4318,
01:02:04:I3: "type": "nvidia",
01:02:04:I3: "description": "NVIDIA RTX A1000 Laptop GPU",
01:02:04:I3: "uuid": "33244190-0df2-8c25-6d9e-261ba4d4dd86",
01:02:04:I3: "opencl": {"platform": 0, "device": 0, "compute": "3.0", "driver": "561.3"},
01:02:04:I3: "cuda": {"platform": 0, "device": 0, "compute": "8.6", "driver": "12.6"},
01:02:04:I3: "device": 9657,
01:02:04:I3: "supported": true
01:02:04:I3: }
01:02:04:I1:Loaded cores/openmm-core-24/windows-10-64bit/release/fahcore-24-windows-10-64bit-release-8.1.4/FahCore_24.exe
01:02:04:I3:WU234:Running FahCore: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores/openmm-core-24/windows-10-64bit/release/fahcore-24-windows-10-64bit-release-8.1.4/FahCore_24.exe -dir bFD_qiAqkrCuq7lcNYgxY9rW76-_gwfYp8L_vSI1mwU -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 28860 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
01:02:04:I3:WU234:Started FahCore on PID 29752
01:02:04:I1:OUT1:> GET HTTP/1.1
01:02:04:I1:OUT1:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
01:02:05:I1:OUT2:> GET wss:// HTTP/1.1
01:02:06:I1:Logging into node account
01:02:06:I1:WU234:*********************** Log Started 2025-01-17T01:02:06Z ***********************
01:02:06:I1:WU234:*************************** Core24 Folding@home Core ***************************
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Core: Core24
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Type: 0x24
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Version: 8.1.4
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Copyright: 2022
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Homepage:
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Date: Jul 25 2024
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Time: 05:42:49
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Revision: cf9f0139862b8945a2091772770e4631aac37792
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Branch: HEAD
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Compiler: Visual C++
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
01:02:06:I1:WU234: /Zc:throwingNew /MT -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.1.1\"" /Ox /std:c++14
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Platform: win32 10
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Bits: 64
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Mode: Release
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
01:02:06:I1:WU234: <>
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Args: -dir bFD_qiAqkrCuq7lcNYgxY9rW76-_gwfYp8L_vSI1mwU -suffix 01
01:02:06:I1:WU234: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 28860 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
01:02:06:I1:WU234: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
01:02:06:I1:WU234:************************************ libFAH ************************************
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Date: Jul 25 2024
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Time: 05:23:50
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Revision: c7d2824a47eb025fa8cda8968c7a5e971585d90c
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Branch: HEAD
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Compiler: Visual C++
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Options: $( /TP $) /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Platform: win32 10
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Bits: 64
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Mode: Release
01:02:06:I1:WU234:************************************ CBang *************************************
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Version: 1.7.2
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2024
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Homepage:
01:02:06:I1:WU234: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Date: Jul 25 2024
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Time: 05:22:43
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Revision: f1cd4c791e8c40a35dcfeab3ab85d910949cc0cb
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Branch: HEAD
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Compiler: Visual C++
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Options: $( /TP $) /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Platform: win32 10
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Bits: 64
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Mode: Release
01:02:06:I1:WU234:************************************ System ************************************
01:02:06:I1:WU234: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800H
01:02:06:I1:WU234: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3
01:02:06:I1:WU234: CPUs: 20
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Memory: 31.68GiB
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Free Memory: 17.39GiB
01:02:06:I1:WU234: OS Version: 10.0
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Has Battery: true
01:02:06:I1:WU234: On Battery: false
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Hostname: DL073RV3F97BC9
01:02:06:I1:WU234: UTC Offset: -8
01:02:06:I1:WU234: PID: 29752
01:02:06:I1:WU234: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\work
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Exec: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores\openmm-core-24\windows-10-64bit\release\fahcore-24-windows-10-64bit-release-8.1.4\FahCore_24.exe
01:02:06:I1:WU234:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
01:02:06:I1:WU234: Version: 8.1.1
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Project: 18251 (Run 79, Clone 0, Gen 116)
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Digital signatures verified
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Folding@home GPU Core24 Folding@home Core
01:02:06:I1:WU234:Version 8.1.4
01:02:07:I1:WU234: Checkpoint write interval: 12500 steps (5%) [20 total]
01:02:07:I1:WU234: JSON viewer frame write interval: 2500 steps (1%) [100 total]
01:02:07:I1:WU234: XTC frame write interval: 5000 steps (2%) [50 total]
01:02:07:I1:WU234: TRR frame write interval: disabled
01:02:07:I1:WU234: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
01:02:07:I1:WU234:There are 4 platforms available.
01:02:07:I1:WU234:Platform 0: Reference
01:02:07:I1:WU234:Platform 1: CPU
01:02:07:I1:WU234:Platform 2: OpenCL
01:02:07:I1:WU234: opencl-device 0 specified
01:02:07:I1:WU234:Platform 3: CUDA
01:02:07:I1:WU234: cuda-device 0 specified
01:07:31:I1:WU234:Attempting to create CUDA context:
01:07:31:I1:WU234: Configuring platform CUDA
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:58 pm

Re: Fresh WU, 8.3.18 FAHCore24 isn't working or logging?

Post by belloq »

Machine downloaded Fahcore26 last night and it is running.

Code: Select all

14:51:08:I1:WU235:*********************** Log Started 2025-01-17T14:51:08Z ***********************
14:51:08:I1:WU235:*************************** Core26 Folding@home Core ***************************
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Core: Core26
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Type: 0x26
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Version: 8.2.0
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Copyright: 2022
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Homepage:
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Date: Jan 7 2025
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Time: 00:58:59
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Revision: 4f149b599caa4725076ef2de3b47c8d7ce725787
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Branch: HEAD
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Compiler: Visual C++
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
14:51:08:I1:WU235: /Zc:throwingNew /MT -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.2.0\"" /Ox /std:c++14
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Platform: win32 10
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Bits: 64
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Mode: Release
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
14:51:08:I1:WU235: <>
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Args: -dir FU-zL8me5A6PdBCT9Msa8HNZCH3d1vBIVxy2nsvXTt8 -suffix 01
14:51:08:I1:WU235: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 28860 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
14:51:08:I1:WU235: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
14:51:08:I1:WU235:************************************ libFAH ************************************
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Date: Jan 7 2025
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Time: 00:39:45
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Revision: c7d2824a47eb025fa8cda8968c7a5e971585d90c
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Branch: HEAD
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Compiler: Visual C++
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Options: $( /TP $) /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Platform: win32 10
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Bits: 64
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Mode: Release
14:51:08:I1:WU235:************************************ CBang *************************************
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Version: 1.7.2
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2024
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Homepage:
14:51:08:I1:WU235: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Date: Jan 7 2025
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Time: 00:38:35
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Revision: f1cd4c791e8c40a35dcfeab3ab85d910949cc0cb
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Branch: HEAD
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Compiler: Visual C++
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Options: $( /TP $) /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Platform: win32 10
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Bits: 64
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Mode: Release
14:51:08:I1:WU235:************************************ System ************************************
14:51:08:I1:WU235: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800H
14:51:08:I1:WU235: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3
14:51:08:I1:WU235: CPUs: 20
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Memory: 31.68GiB
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Free Memory: 12.20GiB
14:51:08:I1:WU235: OS Version: 10.0
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Has Battery: true
14:51:08:I1:WU235: On Battery: false
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Hostname: DL073RV3F97BC9
14:51:08:I1:WU235: UTC Offset: -8
14:51:08:I1:WU235: PID: 27556
14:51:08:I1:WU235: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\work
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Exec: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores\openmm-core-26\windows-10-64bit\release\fahcore-26-windows-10-64bit-release-8.2.0\FahCore_26.exe
14:51:08:I1:WU235:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
14:51:08:I1:WU235: Version: 8.2.0
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Project: 17650 (Run 20, Clone 2, Gen 419)
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Reading tar file core.xml
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Reading tar file integrator.xml.bz2
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Digital signatures verified
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Folding@home GPU Core26 Folding@home Core
14:51:08:I1:WU235:Version 8.2
14:51:10:I1:WU235: Checkpoint write interval: 125000 steps (5%) [20 total]
14:51:10:I1:WU235: JSON viewer frame write interval: 25000 steps (1%) [100 total]
14:51:10:I1:WU235: XTC frame write interval: 12500 steps (0.5%) [200 total]
14:51:10:I1:WU235: TRR frame write interval: disabled
14:51:10:I1:WU235: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
14:51:10:I1:WU235:There are 4 platforms available.
14:51:10:I1:WU235:Platform 0: Reference
14:51:10:I1:WU235:Platform 1: CPU
14:51:10:I1:WU235:Platform 2: OpenCL
14:51:10:I1:WU235: opencl-device 0 specified
14:51:10:I1:WU235:Platform 3: CUDA
14:51:10:I1:WU235: cuda-device 0 specified
14:51:17:I1:WU235:Attempting to create CUDA context:
14:51:17:I1:WU235: Configuring platform CUDA
14:51:27:I1:WU235: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: Device: NVIDIA RTX A1000 Laptop GPU
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: DeviceIndex: 0
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: Vendor: 0x10de
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: PCI: 01:00:00
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: Compute: 8.6
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: Driver: 12.6
14:51:27:I1:WU235: GPU info: GPU: true
14:51:27:I1:WU235:Completed 0 out of 2500000 steps (0%)
14:51:27:I1:WU235:Checkpoint completed at step 0
14:52:12:I1:OUT4:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
14:53:06:I1:WU235:Completed 25000 out of 2500000 steps (1%)
14:54:52:I1:WU235:Completed 50000 out of 2500000 steps (2%)
14:56:33:I1:WU235:Completed 75000 out of 2500000 steps (3%)
14:58:15:I1:WU235:Completed 100000 out of 2500000 steps (4%)
14:59:58:I1:WU235:Completed 125000 out of 2500000 steps (5%)
14:59:59:I1:WU235:Checkpoint completed at step 125000
15:01:41:I1:WU235:Completed 150000 out of 2500000 steps (6%)
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:58 pm

Re: Fresh WU, 8.3.18 FAHCore24 isn't working or logging?

Post by belloq »

I suppose I was being impatient in testing this situation. But I do know that I've checked on Folding and found that minutes to hours have gone by without the core actually running. But in testing, I am finding it can take minutes for this CUDA to get set up:

Code: Select all

08:45:45:I1:WU240:Platform 3: CUDA
08:45:45:I1:WU240: cuda-device 0 specified
08:47:37:I1:WU240:Attempting to create CUDA context:
08:47:37:I1:WU240: Configuring platform CUDA
08:48:32:I1:WU240: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
08:48:32:I1:WU240: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
08:48:32:I1:WU240: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
Posts: 1103
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
Hardware configuration: 9950x, 7950x3D, 5950x, 5800x3D
7900xtx, Radeon 7, 5700xt, 6900xt, RX 550 640SP
Location: London

Re: Fresh WU, 8.3.18 FAHCore24 isn't working or logging?

Post by muziqaz »

Please update to latest version of the client.
FAH Omega tester
Post Reply