6800XT showing as gfx1030?

It seems that a lot of GPU problems revolve around specific versions of drivers. Though AMD has their own support structure, you can often learn from information reported by others who fold.

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6800XT showing as gfx1030?

Post by noctifer »

I'm running 6800XT on Win 10 Pro, but it's showing as gfx1030 in the client for some reason

Code: Select all

21:42:13:I1: Version: 8.3.18
21:42:13:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
21:42:13:I1: Org: foldingathome.org
21:42:13:I1: Copyright: 2023-2024, foldingathome.org
21:42:13:I1: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
21:42:13:I1: License: GPL-3.0-or-later
21:42:13:I1: URL: https://v8-3.foldingathome.org/
21:42:13:I1: Date: Jul 12 2024
21:42:13:I1: Time: 13:26:51
21:42:13:I1: Revision: 99ae953ee7b1c0b3070161cfcf9150184f76bd96
21:42:13:I1: Branch: master
21:42:13:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
21:42:13:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
21:42:13:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
21:42:13:I1: Platform: win32 10
21:42:13:I1: Bits: 64
21:42:13:I1: Mode: Release
21:42:13:I1: Args: --open-web-control
21:42:13:I1:****************************** CBang ******************************
21:42:13:I1: Version: 1.7.2
21:42:13:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
21:42:13:I1: Org: Cauldron Development
21:42:13:I1: Copyright: Cauldron Development, 2003-2024
21:42:13:I1: Homepage: https://cauldrondevelopment.com/
21:42:13:I1: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
21:42:13:I1: Date: Jun 24 2024
21:42:13:I1: Time: 13:29:54
21:42:13:I1: Revision: 1b05ea96f0ed3043c32b78a66dbf50a9b2002289
21:42:13:I1: Branch: master
21:42:13:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
21:42:13:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
21:42:13:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
21:42:13:I1: Platform: win32 10
21:42:13:I1: Bits: 64
21:42:13:I1: Mode: Release
21:42:13:I1:***************************** System ******************************
21:42:13:I1: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
21:42:13:I1: CPU ID: AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 2
21:42:13:I1: CPUs: 16
21:42:13:I1: Memory: 31.92GiB
21:42:13:I1:Free Memory: 23.41GiB
21:42:13:I1: OS Version: 6.2
21:42:13:I1:Has Battery: false
21:42:13:I1: On Battery: false
21:42:13:I1: Hostname: Ryzen
21:42:13:I1: UTC Offset: 1
21:42:13:I1: PID: 7476
21:42:13:I1: CWD: B:\fahdata
21:42:13:I1: Exec: B:\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe
21:42:13:I1:Opening Database
21:42:13:I1:Generating RSA key........................................................................................................................................................................................................................++++-...............................................................................................................................................................++++-
21:42:14:I1:F@H ID = nOXS3yMVaVBKB1lGcx5qY4rq8k6pbk68Grw7iQKn1Jc
21:42:14:I3:Loading default group
21:42:14:I3:Loading default resource group
21:42:14:I1:Listening for HTTP on
21:42:14:I3:Loaded 0 wus.
21:42:14:I1:Started Windows systray control
21:42:14:I1:OUT1:> GET https://api.foldingathome.org/gpus HTTP/1.1
21:42:16:I1:OUT1:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:42:16:W :CUDA not supported: Failed to open dynamic library 'nvcuda.dll': Nie można odnaleźć określonego modułu.
21:42:16:I3:gpus = {
21:42:16:I3: "gpu:12:00:00": {
21:42:16:I3: "vendor": 4098,
21:42:16:I3: "type": "amd",
21:42:16:I3: "description": "gfx1030",
21:42:16:I3: "opencl": {"platform": 0, "device": 0, "compute": "2.0", "driver": "3628.0"},
21:42:16:I3: "device": 29631,
21:42:16:I3: "supported": true
21:42:16:I3: }
21:59:47:I1:OUT4:> PUT https://api.foldingathome.org/machine/nOXS3yMVaVBKB1lGcx5qY4rq8k6pbk68Grw7iQKn1Jc HTTP/1.1
21:59:48:I1:OUT4:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:59:48:I1:Account linked
21:59:48:I1:OUT5:> GET https://api.foldingathome.org/machine/nOXS3yMVaVBKB1lGcx5qY4rq8k6pbk68Grw7iQKn1Jc HTTP/1.1
21:59:49:I1:OUT5:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:59:49:I1:OUT6:> GET wss://node1.foldingathome.org/ws/client HTTP/1.1
21:59:50:I1:Logging into node account
21:59:55:I1:Default:Added new work unit: cpus:15 gpus:
21:59:55:I1:WU1:Requesting WU assignment for user noctifer team 224497
21:59:55:I1:OUT7:> POST https://assign1.foldingathome.org/api/assign HTTP/1.1
21:59:56:I1:OUT7:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:59:56:I1:WU1:Received WU assignment dZ7qMovt42rfq3B1SgL-VE6MBcjHRiuWISf9prtKx6I
21:59:56:I1:WU1:Downloading WU
21:59:56:I1:OUT8:> POST https://highland1.seas.upenn.edu/api/assign HTTP/1.1
22:00:01:I1:OUT8:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
22:00:01:I1:WU1:Received WU P18240 R484 C2 G83
22:00:01:I1:Downloading https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2.crt
22:00:01:I1:OUT9:> GET https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2.crt HTTP/1.1
22:00:01:I1:OUT9:< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
22:00:01:I1:Downloading https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2.sig
22:00:02:I1:OUT10:> GET https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2.sig HTTP/1.1
22:00:02:I1:OUT10:< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
22:00:02:I1:Downloading https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2
22:00:02:I1:OUT11:> GET https://cores2.foldingathome.org/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12.tar.bz2 HTTP/1.1
22:00:06:I1:OUT11:< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
22:00:06:I1:Core signature valid
22:00:06:I1:Extracting cores/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12/libfftw3f-3.dll
22:00:06:I1:Extracting cores/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12/FahCore_a8
22:00:07:I1:Extracting cores/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12/vcomp140.dll
22:00:07:I3:WU1:Running FahCore: B:\fahdata\cores/fahcore-a8-win-64bit-avx2_256-0.0.12/FahCore_a8.exe -dir dZ7qMovt42rfq3B1SgL-VE6MBcjHRiuWISf9prtKx6I -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 7476 -np 15
22:00:07:I3:WU1:Started FahCore on PID 3060
22:00:07:I1:WU1:*********************** Log Started 2025-01-14T22:00:07Z ***********************
22:00:07:I1:WU1:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Core: Gromacs
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Type: 0xa8
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Version: 0.0.12
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Copyright: 2020 foldingathome.org
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Date: Jan 16 2021
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Time: 12:29:40
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Branch: master
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Compiler: Visual C++ 2019 16.7
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Options: /TP /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Platform: win32 10
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Bits: 64
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Mode: Release
22:00:07:I1:WU1: SIMD: avx2_256
22:00:07:I1:WU1: OpenMP: ON
22:00:07:I1:WU1: CUDA: OFF
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Args: -dir dZ7qMovt42rfq3B1SgL-VE6MBcjHRiuWISf9prtKx6I -suffix 01
22:00:07:I1:WU1: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 7476 -np 15
22:00:07:I1:WU1:************************************ libFAH ************************************
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Date: Jan 16 2021
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Time: 11:24:13
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Branch: master
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Compiler: Visual C++ 2019 16.7
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Options: /TP /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Platform: win32 10
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Bits: 64
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Mode: Release
22:00:07:I1:WU1:************************************ CBang *************************************
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Date: Jan 16 2021
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Time: 11:23:53
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Branch: master
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Compiler: Visual C++ 2019 16.7
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Options: /TP /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Platform: win32 10
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Bits: 64
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Mode: Release
22:00:07:I1:WU1:************************************ System ************************************
22:00:07:I1:WU1: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
22:00:07:I1:WU1: CPU ID: AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 2
22:00:07:I1:WU1: CPUs: 16
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Memory: 31.92GiB
22:00:07:I1:WU1:Free Memory: 22.33GiB
22:00:07:I1:WU1: Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
22:00:07:I1:WU1: OS Version: 6.2
22:00:07:I1:WU1:Has Battery: false
22:00:07:I1:WU1: On Battery: false
22:00:07:I1:WU1: UTC Offset: 1
22:00:07:I1:WU1: PID: 3060 
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Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 am
Location: Bordeaux, France

Re: 6800XT showing as gfx1030?

Post by toTOW »

Yes, AMD likes to identify their GPUs with strange names that applies to a bunch of GPUs. gfx1030 can be any of these : https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/amd-navi-21.g923

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
Posts: 1141
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
Hardware configuration: 9950x, 7950x3D, 5950x, 5800x3D
7900xtx, Radeon 7, 5700xt, 6900xt, RX 550 640SP
Location: London

Re: 6800XT showing as gfx1030?

Post by muziqaz »

gfx1030 is architecture ISA codename. AMD put this codename under "Device Name", which confuses FAH, which is used to see card names under "Device Name" and not ISA code ;) There is a ticket raised to make this more user friendly, not sure when it will be implemented :)
FAH Omega tester
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