Could a federal tax credit be enacted for distributed computing?

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Pop Piasa
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Could a federal tax credit be enacted for distributed computing?

Post by Pop Piasa »

Just a pipe dream, but points could be used to offset US tax dollars if the right folks in power were made aware of how much money distributed supercomputing can save in the funding of higher Ed institutions' computing needs. It would encourage more participation if some of the cost of electricity was offset at tax time. The publicity of such a tax break would create a media blitz for distributed supercomputing and a great opportunity to boast the superior merits of F@H.

of the Piasa tribe, Illini nation
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Re: Could a federal tax credit be enacted for distributed computing?

Post by toTOW »

This question regularly comes out ... search on the forum.

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
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