Feedback on Highland Servers?

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Posts: 140
Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:43 pm

Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by jjmiller »

Hi all,

We've been doing some network testing on some of the highland servers at UPenn in response to several reports of slow connectivity. We made some changes to all the work servers[3-6] around a week ago. From what we can tell, this has improved transfer speeds and reduced packet loss. Have folks (particularly folks from outside the United States) noticed this change? Has it been positive?
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:01 pm

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by speed2048 »

Having issues in canada..

1:39:48:I1:OUT3:> POST HTTP/1.1
21:39:48:I1:OUT1:> GET ... 3D9IYP82Ks HTTP/1.1
21:39:48:I1:OUT1:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
21:39:48:I1:OUT5:> GET wss:// HTTP/1.1
21:39:49:I1:Logging into node account
21:40:48:E :OUT3:Failed response: EOF
21:40:48:I1:WU3231:Retry #1 in 2 secs
21:40:50:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
21:40:50:I1:OUT8:> POST HTTP/1.1
21:41:50:E :OUT8:Failed response: EOF
21:41:50:I1:WU3231:Retry #2 in 4 secs
21:41:54:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
21:41:54:I1:OUT9:> POST HTTP/1.1
21:42:54:E :OUT9:Failed response: EOF
21:42:54:I1:WU3231:Retry #3 in 8 secs
21:43:02:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
Posts: 140
Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:43 pm

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by jjmiller »

Hi speed2048- are these errors persisting?
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:01 pm

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by speed2048 »

Yes the error messages are still happening. I have other machines working though but they are connecting to POST vs highland2...

20:48:55:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:48:55:I1:OUT2:> GET HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT3:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT1:> GET ... 3D9IYP82Ks HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT1:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:48:55:I1:OUT2:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:48:56:I1:OUT4:> GET wss:// HTTP/1.1
20:48:56:I1:Logging into node account
20:49:55:E :OUT3:Failed response: EOF
20:49:55:I1:WU3231:Retry #1 in 2 secs
20:49:57:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:49:57:I1:OUT21:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:50:57:E :OUT21:Failed response: EOF
20:50:57:I1:WU3231:Retry #2 in 4 secs
20:51:01:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:51:01:I1:OUT36:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:52:01:E :OUT36:Failed response: EOF
20:52:01:I1:WU3231:Retry #3 in 8 sec
Posts: 124
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:08 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by Nicolas_orleans »

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the inquiry. It's indeed quite slow to upload results to Highland servers from France, see below, from a fiber line with an usual 700 MB/s to 800 MB/s upload performance. Hope it can be improved...

Code: Select all

10:49:41:I3:WU515:Started FahCore on PID 309142
10:49:41:I1:WU515:*********************** Log Started 2024-11-10T10:49:41Z ***********************
10:49:41:I1:WU515:*************************** Core24 Folding@home Core ***************************
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Core: Core24
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Type: 0x24
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Version: 8.1.4
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Copyright: 2022
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Homepage:
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Date: Jul 25 2024
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Time: 05:19:51
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Revision: cf9f0139862b8945a2091772770e4631aac37792
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Branch: HEAD
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++14 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
10:49:41:I1:WU515: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
10:49:41:I1:WU515: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.1.1\""
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Bits: 64
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Mode: Release
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
10:49:41:I1:WU515: <>
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Args: -dir L2TNFVrQ1py1fP6tLZmF8McCl6fTUGlFSm6KGnAD9W8 -suffix 01
10:49:41:I1:WU515: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 1305 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
10:49:41:I1:WU515: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
10:49:41:I1:WU515:************************************ libFAH ************************************
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Date: Jul 25 2024
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Time: 05:13:14
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Revision: c7d2824a47eb025fa8cda8968c7a5e971585d90c
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Branch: HEAD
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
10:49:41:I1:WU515: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Bits: 64
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Mode: Release
10:49:41:I1:WU515:************************************ CBang *************************************
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Version: 1.7.2
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2024
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Homepage:
10:49:41:I1:WU515: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Date: Jul 25 2024
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Time: 05:12:47
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Revision: f1cd4c791e8c40a35dcfeab3ab85d910949cc0cb
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Branch: HEAD
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
10:49:41:I1:WU515: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie -fPIC
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Bits: 64
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Mode: Release
10:49:41:I1:WU515:************************************ System ************************************
10:49:41:I1:WU515: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3550 CPU @ 3.30GHz
10:49:41:I1:WU515: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
10:49:41:I1:WU515: CPUs: 4
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Memory: 15.57GiB
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Free Memory: 6.23GiB
10:49:41:I1:WU515: OS Version: 6.8
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Has Battery: false
10:49:41:I1:WU515: On Battery: false
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Hostname: amandine-MS-7751
10:49:41:I1:WU515: UTC Offset: 1
10:49:41:I1:WU515: PID: 309142
10:49:41:I1:WU515: CWD: /var/lib/fah-client/work
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Exec: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-24/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-24-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.1.4/FahCore_24
10:49:41:I1:WU515:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Version: 8.1.1
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Project: 18237 (Run 1050, Clone 4, Gen 1)
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Reading tar file core.xml
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Reading tar file integrator.xml
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Digital signatures verified
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Folding@home GPU Core24 Folding@home Core
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Version 8.1.4
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Checkpoint write interval: 50000 steps (2%) [50 total]
10:49:41:I1:WU515: JSON viewer frame write interval: 25000 steps (1%) [100 total]
10:49:41:I1:WU515: XTC frame write interval: 10000 steps (0.4%) [250 total]
10:49:41:I1:WU515: TRR frame write interval: disabled
10:49:41:I1:WU515: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
10:49:41:I1:WU515:There are 4 platforms available.
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Platform 0: Reference
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Platform 1: CPU
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Platform 2: OpenCL
10:49:41:I1:WU515: opencl-device 0 specified
10:49:41:I1:WU515:Platform 3: CUDA
10:49:41:I1:WU515: cuda-device 0 specified
10:49:47:I1:WU515:Attempting to create CUDA context:
10:49:47:I1:WU515: Configuring platform CUDA
10:49:51:I1:WU515: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: DeviceIndex: 0
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: Vendor: 0x10de
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: PCI: 01:00:00
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: Compute: 8.9
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: Driver: 12.4
10:49:51:I1:WU515: GPU info: GPU: true
10:49:51:I1:WU515:Completed 0 out of 2500000 steps (0%)
10:49:51:I1:WU515:Checkpoint completed at step 0
10:50:27:I1:WU515:Completed 25000 out of 2500000 steps (1%)
10:51:03:I1:WU515:Completed 50000 out of 2500000 steps (2%)
10:51:04:I1:WU515:Checkpoint completed at step 50000
11:47:04:I1:WU515:Checkpoint completed at step 2450000
11:47:40:I1:WU515:Completed 2475000 out of 2500000 steps (99%)
11:48:15:I1:WU515:Completed 2500000 out of 2500000 steps (100%)
11:48:15:I1:WU515:Average performance: 246.857 ns/day
11:48:15:I1:WU515:Checkpoint completed at step 2500000
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file ../logfile_01.txt
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file positions.xtc
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file science.log
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Saving result file xtcAtoms.csv.bz2
11:48:21:I1:WU515:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
11:48:22:I1:WU515:Core returned FINISHED_UNIT (100)
11:48:22:I1:Default:Added new work unit: cpus:1 gpus:gpu:01:00:00
11:48:22:I1:WU515:Uploading WU results
11:48:22:I1:OUT205:> POST HTTP/1.1
11:48:22:I1:OUT206:> POST HTTP/1.1
11:48:23:I1:OUT206:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
11:48:23:I1:OUT207:> POST HTTP/1.1
11:48:23:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 4% 692.09KiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:27:I1:OUT207:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
11:48:30:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 7% 1.13MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:33:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 8% 1.28MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:35:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 9% 1.43MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:37:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 10% 1.57MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:39:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 10% 1.74MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:42:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 11% 1.89MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:45:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 12% 2.06MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:47:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 13% 2.21MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:53:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 15% 2.49MiB of 16.52MiB
11:48:56:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 16% 2.64MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:00:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 17% 2.81MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:07:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 19% 3.11MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:10:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 20% 3.25MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:13:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 21% 3.42MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:15:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 22% 3.57MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:17:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 22% 3.71MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:20:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 23% 3.85MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:23:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 24% 4.03MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:26:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 25% 4.20MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:29:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 26% 4.35MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:32:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 27% 4.49MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:34:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 28% 4.64MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:39:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 30% 4.92MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:41:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 31% 5.07MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:44:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 32% 5.21MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:46:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 32% 5.36MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:49:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 34% 5.53MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:52:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 34% 5.68MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:56:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 35% 5.83MiB of 16.52MiB
11:49:59:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 36% 6.00MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:02:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 37% 6.14MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:04:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 38% 6.28MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:08:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 40% 6.57MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:10:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 41% 6.72MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:11:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 42% 6.87MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:14:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 42% 7.01MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:16:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 43% 7.15MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:19:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 44% 7.29MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:21:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 45% 7.44MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:26:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 47% 7.73MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:28:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 48% 7.88MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:30:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 49% 8.05MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:32:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 50% 8.19MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:35:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 50% 8.34MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:37:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 52% 8.51MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:41:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 52% 8.65MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:44:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 53% 8.80MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:46:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 54% 8.97MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:50:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 55% 9.12MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:53:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 56% 9.27MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:57:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 58% 9.55MiB of 16.52MiB
11:50:59:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 59% 9.70MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:02:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 60% 9.87MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:06:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 61% 10.04MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:09:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 62% 10.22MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:12:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 63% 10.36MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:15:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 64% 10.51MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:19:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 64% 10.65MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:22:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 66% 10.83MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:27:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 66% 10.97MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:29:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 67% 11.11MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:31:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 68% 11.26MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:34:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 69% 11.40MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:40:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 71% 11.69MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:43:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 72% 11.84MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:46:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 72% 11.98MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:47:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 73% 12.12MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:50:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 74% 12.30MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:53:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 75% 12.44MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:56:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 76% 12.59MiB of 16.52MiB
11:51:58:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 77% 12.76MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:00:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 78% 12.91MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:03:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 79% 13.05MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:10:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 81% 13.34MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:12:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 82% 13.48MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:14:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 82% 13.63MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:16:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 83% 13.78MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:20:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 84% 13.95MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:23:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 85% 14.10MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:26:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 86% 14.24MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:29:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 87% 14.38MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:32:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 88% 14.56MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:36:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 89% 14.70MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:41:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 91% 14.99MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:45:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 92% 15.14MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:48:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 92% 15.28MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:49:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 93% 15.42MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:52:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 94% 15.56MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:55:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 95% 15.74MiB of 16.52MiB
11:52:58:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 96% 15.88MiB of 16.52MiB
11:53:01:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 97% 16.06MiB of 16.52MiB
11:53:03:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 98% 16.20MiB of 16.52MiB
11:53:07:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 99% 16.35MiB of 16.52MiB
11:53:12:I1:WU515:UPLOAD 100% 16.52MiB of 16.52MiB
11:53:17:I1:OUT205:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
Best regards

Site Moderator
Posts: 6394
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 am
Location: Bordeaux, France

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by toTOW »

speed2048 wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:55 pm Yes the error messages are still happening. I have other machines working though but they are connecting to POST vs highland2...

20:48:55:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:48:55:I1:OUT2:> GET HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT3:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT1:> GET ... 3D9IYP82Ks HTTP/1.1
20:48:55:I1:OUT1:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:48:55:I1:OUT2:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
20:48:56:I1:OUT4:> GET wss:// HTTP/1.1
20:48:56:I1:Logging into node account
20:49:55:E :OUT3:Failed response: EOF
20:49:55:I1:WU3231:Retry #1 in 2 secs
20:49:57:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:49:57:I1:OUT21:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:50:57:E :OUT21:Failed response: EOF
20:50:57:I1:WU3231:Retry #2 in 4 secs
20:51:01:I1:WU3231:Downloading WU
20:51:01:I1:OUT36:> POST HTTP/1.1
20:52:01:E :OUT36:Failed response: EOF
20:52:01:I1:WU3231:Retry #3 in 8 sec
Please post the first 100 lines of FAH client log so that we could see your hardware setup ...

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:01 pm

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by speed2048 »

Sorry for the delay been away for a few days.
Here is the 1st lines of the log file.

Code: Select all

20:10:36:I1:*********************** Folding@home Client ***********************
20:10:36:I1: Version: 8.3.18
20:10:36:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
20:10:36:I1: Org:
20:10:36:I1: Copyright: 2023-2024,
20:10:36:I1: Homepage:
20:10:36:I1: License: GPL-3.0-or-later
20:10:36:I1: URL:
20:10:36:I1: Date: Jul 12 2024
20:10:36:I1: Time: 13:26:51
20:10:36:I1: Revision: 99ae953ee7b1c0b3070161cfcf9150184f76bd96
20:10:36:I1: Branch: master
20:10:36:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
20:10:36:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
20:10:36:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
20:10:36:I1: Platform: win32 10
20:10:36:I1: Bits: 64
20:10:36:I1: Mode: Release
20:10:36:I1: Config: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\config.xml
20:10:36:I1:****************************** CBang ******************************
20:10:36:I1: Version: 1.7.2
20:10:36:I1: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
20:10:36:I1: Org: Cauldron Development
20:10:36:I1: Copyright: Cauldron Development, 2003-2024
20:10:36:I1: Homepage:
20:10:36:I1: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
20:10:36:I1: Date: Jun 24 2024
20:10:36:I1: Time: 13:29:54
20:10:36:I1: Revision: 1b05ea96f0ed3043c32b78a66dbf50a9b2002289
20:10:36:I1: Branch: master
20:10:36:I1: Compiler: Visual C++
20:10:36:I1: Options: $( /TP $) /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2
20:10:36:I1: /Zc:throwingNew /MT
20:10:36:I1: Platform: win32 10
20:10:36:I1: Bits: 64
20:10:36:I1: Mode: Release
20:10:36:I1:***************************** System ******************************
20:10:36:I1: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K
20:10:36:I1: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 151 Stepping 2
20:10:36:I1: CPUs: 20
20:10:36:I1: Memory: 31.76GiB
20:10:36:I1:Free Memory: 15.77GiB
20:10:36:I1: OS Version: 6.2
20:10:36:I1:Has Battery: false
20:10:36:I1: On Battery: false
20:10:36:I1: Hostname: wks-win10-002
20:10:36:I1: UTC Offset: -8
20:10:36:I1: PID: 16312
20:10:36:I1: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient
20:10:36:I1: Exec: C:\Program Files\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe
20:10:36:I2: <!-- HTTP Server -->
20:10:36:I2: <http-addresses v=''/>
20:10:36:I2: <!-- Server -->
20:10:36:I2: <allow v=','/>
20:10:36:I2: <!-- User Information -->
20:10:36:I2: <passkey v='*****'/>
20:10:36:I2: <team v='xxxxx'/>
20:10:36:I2: <user v='xxxxxx'/>
20:10:36:I1:Opening Database
20:10:36:I1:F@H ID = S9qdv8cQ6wDiG_DJ1C_MvdCgCEUZRxDmS3D9IYP82Ks
20:10:36:I3:Loading default group
20:10:36:I3:Loading default resource group
20:10:36:I1:Listening for HTTP on
20:10:36:I3:WU3233:Loading work unit 3233 with ID w5NKtRW9on3Pk46f1bTv5X_56r2zcaDH1kz4qab81wI
20:10:36:I3:Loaded 1 wus.
20:10:36:I1:Started Windows systray control
20:10:36:I3:gpus = {
20:10:36:I3: "gpu:00:02:00": {
20:10:36:I3: "vendor": 32902,
20:10:36:I3: "type": "intel",
20:10:36:I3: "description": "Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770",
20:10:36:I3: "uuid": "00000000-0000-0200-0000-000c46808086",
20:10:36:I3: "opencl": {"platform": 1, "device": 0, "compute": "3.0", "driver": "31.0"},
20:10:36:I3: "device": 18048,
20:10:36:I3: "supported": false
20:10:36:I3: },
20:10:36:I3: "gpu:01:00:00": {
20:10:36:I3: "vendor": 4318,
20:10:36:I3: "type": "nvidia",
20:10:36:I3: "description": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti",
20:10:36:I3: "uuid": "2991d568-c01c-add2-74e5-eee43047247c",
20:10:36:I3: "opencl": {"platform": 0, "device": 0, "compute": "3.0", "driver": "566.3"},
20:10:36:I3: "cuda": {"platform": 0, "device": 0, "compute": "8.9", "driver": "12.7"},
20:10:36:I3: "device": 10114,
20:10:36:I3: "supported": true
20:10:36:I3: }
20:10:36:I1:Loaded cores/openmm-core-23/windows-10-64bit/release/fahcore-23-windows-10-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23.exe
20:10:36:I3:WU3233:Running FahCore: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores/openmm-core-23/windows-10-64bit/release/fahcore-23-windows-10-64bit-release-8.0.3/FahCore_23.exe -dir w5NKtRW9on3Pk46f1bTv5X_56r2zcaDH1kz4qab81wI -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 16312 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
20:10:37:I3:WU3233:Started FahCore on PID 43324
Last edited by Joe_H on Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added Code tags to log
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:12 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by mrfu »

I hope I'm not too late to the party.

Situation: My folding@home client is permanently stuck on status "Downloading work", because it cannot successfully retrieve anything from the highland server(s).
(I have also created an issue on Github ... issues/314 but have decided to close this issue since it is not an issue with the fah-client itself.)

Context: I am running a CPU-only machine in the Oracle Cloud in Amsterdam.
(Oracle, as in, the company that let everyone use Java EE and suddenly started sending bills to people exposing a Java API to the internet. That Oracle.)

This problem can maybe be fully attributed to the cloud provider I am using, a bad (networking) configuration I am using (unintentionally) or some other factor that has nothing to do with the folding project and/or the highland servers. I am merely trying to (1) find a solution for myself and (2) make you aware there might be some users experiencing the same issue.

The strange part about all of this is, I have 0 issues with any of the other F@H servers.
I can curl/wget and without any issue.
I can ping (the IP addresses of) and number 2, 3 and 4. (I get 80ms ping to the highland servers.)
I can use a browser to navigate to (and 2, 3 and 4) from a different machine from my (Europe/Amsterdam) region (ruling out distance to the server, or routing issues between continents).
When I use wget/curl to retrieve it correctly resolves the domain to an IP address.
When I use wget/curl it successfully establishes a connection (or so these tools say anyway), it simply gets stuck waiting for a response.

I can see the same behavior in the fah-client. It logs it is sending a POST request to a highland server.
And the application hangs indefinitely, until the WU unfortunately expires.
(And luck has it my new WU also needs to communicate with a highland server, so my fah-client is again stuck on "Downloading work" for its second WU.)
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Nov 29, 2024 2:51 pm
Hardware configuration: Thing 1: AMD 1920X, RTX 4060 Ti, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3050
Thing 2: AMD 3600, RTX 4060 Ti, GTX 1660 Super
Location: New Jersey, USA

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by superguppy »

The symptoms you describe sound very similar to what I am experiencing. (See viewtopic.php?t=42248) I have just confirmed the situation described there still exists and the workaround is still needed.

I was able to establish that on the affected host the TCP connection to the Highland hosts succeeds but the SSL negotiation that follows hangs. The host runs with jumbo frames enabled, marketing speak for the MTU set to 9,000 instead of the more typical 1,500. In the thread there is a workaround to use a MTU of 1,500 specifically for the Highland hosts and things seem to work again.

This should not be necessary however. "The network" should convert between the different MTU sizes transparently. The host in question has been running with jumbo frames just fine for years, and continues to do so with the workaround. I am still intrigued what would cause this. Apparently this can happen when something interferes with the "Path MTU Discovery" mechanism: ... y#Problems
Dayle Diamond
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:10 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by Dayle Diamond »

I'm getting "Failed response: EOF" now, too.
Server status page shows GPU work available, but much less work than a few days ago.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:12 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by mrfu »

superguppy wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 7:21 pmI have just confirmed the situation described there still exists and the workaround is still needed.
Manually setting the IP range to use smaller MTU did indeed fix my issue!

Thank you!!
Posts: 124
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:08 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by Nicolas_orleans »

It appears the slow uploads are back, at least since last Saturday with my ISP in France.

Code: Select all

08:57:11:I3:WU1071:Started FahCore on PID 182763
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:*********************** Log Started 2025-01-13T08:57:11Z ***********************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:*************************** Core24 Folding@home Core ***************************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Core: Core24
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Type: 0x24
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Version: 8.1.4
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Copyright: 2022
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Homepage:
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Date: Jul 25 2024
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Time: 05:19:51
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Revision: cf9f0139862b8945a2091772770e4631aac37792
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Branch: HEAD
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++14 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"8.1.1\""
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Bits: 64
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Mode: Release
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: <>
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Args: -dir UlxDmuvDiH1Hk6jSxa__GW-D1AQGifvckfyNjCgy86g -suffix 01
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 1367 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:************************************ libFAH ************************************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Date: Jul 25 2024
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Time: 05:13:14
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Revision: c7d2824a47eb025fa8cda8968c7a5e971585d90c
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Branch: HEAD
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Bits: 64
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Mode: Release
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:************************************ CBang *************************************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Version: 1.7.2
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Author: Joseph Coffland <>
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Org: Cauldron Development LLC
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Copyright: Cauldron Development LLC, 2003-2024
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Homepage:
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Date: Jul 25 2024
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Time: 05:12:47
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Revision: f1cd4c791e8c40a35dcfeab3ab85d910949cc0cb
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Branch: HEAD
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Compiler: GNU 7.5.0
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-pie -fPIC
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Platform: linux 6.5.0-1024-azure
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Bits: 64
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Mode: Release
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:************************************ System ************************************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3550 CPU @ 3.30GHz
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: CPUs: 4
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Memory: 15.57GiB
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Free Memory: 7.97GiB
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: OS Version: 6.8
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Has Battery: false
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: On Battery: false
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Hostname: amandine-MS-7751
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: UTC Offset: 1
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: PID: 182763
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: CWD: /var/lib/fah-client/work
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Exec: /var/lib/fah-client/cores/openmm-core-24/centos-7.9.2009-64bit/release/fahcore-24-centos-7.9.2009-64bit-release-8.1.4/FahCore_24
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Version: 8.1.1
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Project: 18237 (Run 1011, Clone 4, Gen 84)
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Reading tar file core.xml
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Reading tar file integrator.xml
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Digital signatures verified
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Folding@home GPU Core24 Folding@home Core
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Version 8.1.4
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Checkpoint write interval: 50000 steps (2%) [50 total]
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: JSON viewer frame write interval: 25000 steps (1%) [100 total]
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: XTC frame write interval: 10000 steps (0.4%) [250 total]
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: TRR frame write interval: disabled
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:There are 4 platforms available.
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Platform 0: Reference
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Platform 1: CPU
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Platform 2: OpenCL
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: opencl-device 0 specified
08:57:12:I1:WU1071:Platform 3: CUDA
08:57:12:I1:WU1071: cuda-device 0 specified
08:57:17:I1:WU1071:Attempting to create CUDA context:
08:57:17:I1:WU1071: Configuring platform CUDA
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: Using CUDA on CUDA Platform and gpu 0
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: Platform: CUDA
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: PlatformIndex: 0
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: DeviceIndex: 0
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: Vendor: 0x10de
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: PCI: 01:00:00
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: Compute: 5.2
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: Driver: 12.4
08:57:21:I1:WU1071: GPU info: GPU: true
08:57:21:I1:WU1071:Completed 0 out of 2500000 steps (0%)
08:57:21:I1:WU1071:Checkpoint completed at step 0
08:59:43:I1:WU1071:Completed 25000 out of 2500000 steps (1%)
09:02:04:I1:WU1071:Completed 50000 out of 2500000 steps (2%)
09:02:05:I1:WU1071:Checkpoint completed at step 50000
09:04:25:I1:WU1071:Completed 75000 out of 2500000 steps (3%)
09:06:46:I1:WU1071:Completed 100000 out of 2500000 steps (4%)
09:06:47:I1:WU1071:Checkpoint completed at step 100000
09:09:07:I1:WU1071:Completed 125000 out of 2500000 steps (5%)
12:49:18:I1:WU1071:Completed 2475000 out of 2500000 steps (99%)
12:51:39:I1:WU1071:Completed 2500000 out of 2500000 steps (100%)
12:51:39:I1:WU1071:Average performance: 61.4947 ns/day
12:51:39:I1:WU1071:Checkpoint completed at step 2500000
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file ../logfile_01.txt
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file positions.xtc
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file science.log
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Saving result file xtcAtoms.csv.bz2
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
12:51:45:I1:WU1071:Core returned FINISHED_UNIT (100)
12:51:46:I1:WU1071:Uploading WU results
12:51:46:I1:OUT1122:> POST HTTP/1.1
12:51:46:I1:OUT1123:> POST HTTP/1.1
12:51:46:I1:OUT1123:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
12:51:47:I1:OUT1124:> POST HTTP/1.1
12:51:49:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 1% 214.90KiB of 16.71MiB
12:51:54:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 2% 334.20KiB of 16.71MiB
12:51:56:I1:OUT1124:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
12:52:02:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 3% 509.17KiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:10:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 4% 692.09KiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:15:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 5% 867.06KiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:22:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 6% 1.02MiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:29:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 7% 1.20MiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:38:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 8% 1.37MiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:46:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 9% 1.54MiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:53:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 10% 1.72MiB of 16.71MiB
12:52:59:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 11% 1.83MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:06:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 12% 2.00MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:13:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 13% 2.17MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:20:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 14% 2.35MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:27:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 15% 2.52MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:34:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 16% 2.70MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:37:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 17% 2.87MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:46:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 18% 3.04MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:51:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 19% 3.22MiB of 16.71MiB
12:53:57:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 20% 3.39MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:01:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 21% 3.51MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:10:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 22% 3.68MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:17:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 23% 3.85MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:23:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 24% 4.03MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:30:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 25% 4.20MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:35:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 26% 4.37MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:42:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 27% 4.55MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:48:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 28% 4.72MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:56:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 29% 4.89MiB of 16.71MiB
12:54:59:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 30% 5.01MiB of 16.71MiB
12:55:05:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 31% 5.19MiB of 16.71MiB
12:55:11:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 32% 5.36MiB of 16.71MiB
12:55:17:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 33% 5.53MiB of 16.71MiB
12:55:25:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 34% 5.71MiB of 16.71MiB
12:55:54:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 35% 5.88MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:02:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 36% 6.05MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:06:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 37% 6.23MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:10:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 38% 6.35MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:16:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 39% 6.52MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:22:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 40% 6.69MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:26:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 41% 6.87MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:31:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 42% 7.04MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:37:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 43% 7.21MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:42:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 44% 7.39MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:50:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 45% 7.56MiB of 16.71MiB
12:56:55:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 46% 7.73MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:02:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 47% 7.91MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:05:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 48% 8.02MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:10:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 49% 8.19MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:18:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 50% 8.36MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:23:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 51% 8.54MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:30:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 52% 8.71MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:37:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 53% 8.89MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:44:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 54% 9.06MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:52:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 55% 9.23MiB of 16.71MiB
12:57:56:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 56% 9.35MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:04:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 57% 9.58MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:08:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 58% 9.70MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:14:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 59% 9.87MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:19:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 60% 10.04MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:26:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 61% 10.22MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:34:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 62% 10.39MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:40:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 63% 10.56MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:47:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 64% 10.74MiB of 16.71MiB
12:58:54:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 65% 10.91MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:01:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 66% 11.03MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:11:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 67% 11.20MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:18:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 68% 11.37MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:24:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 69% 11.55MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:32:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 70% 11.72MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:40:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 71% 11.90MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:48:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 72% 12.07MiB of 16.71MiB
12:59:56:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 73% 12.24MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:00:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 74% 12.36MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:06:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 75% 12.53MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:14:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 76% 12.71MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:21:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 77% 12.88MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:28:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 78% 13.05MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:34:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 79% 13.23MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:44:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 80% 13.40MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:52:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 81% 13.58MiB of 16.71MiB
13:00:58:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 82% 13.75MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:03:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 83% 13.86MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:10:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 84% 14.03MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:17:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 85% 14.21MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:24:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 86% 14.38MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:30:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 87% 14.56MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:37:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 88% 14.73MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:43:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 89% 14.90MiB of 16.71MiB
13:01:49:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 90% 15.08MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:00:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 91% 15.25MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:05:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 92% 15.42MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:09:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 93% 15.54MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:16:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 94% 15.71MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:21:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 95% 15.88MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:26:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 96% 16.06MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:33:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 97% 16.23MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:40:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 98% 16.40MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:48:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 99% 16.58MiB of 16.71MiB
13:02:58:I1:WU1071:UPLOAD 100% 16.71MiB of 16.71MiB
13:03:11:I1:OUT1122:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
Around 12 minutes for 16.1 MiB on a fiber connection with 700-800 MB/s upload. Could you please check from your end ?


MSI Z77A-GD55 - Core i5-3550 - EVGA GTX 980 Ti Hybrid @ 1366 MHz - Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8 kernel
MSI MPG B550 - Ryzen 5 5600X - PNY RTX 4080 Super @ 2715 MHz - Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8 kernel
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Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 am
Location: Bordeaux, France

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by toTOW »

Which ISP is it ? I'm seeing slow uploads again with Orange in France ... :(

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
Posts: 124
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:08 am

Re: Feedback on Highland Servers?

Post by Nicolas_orleans »

Free / France also
MSI Z77A-GD55 - Core i5-3550 - EVGA GTX 980 Ti Hybrid @ 1366 MHz - Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8 kernel
MSI MPG B550 - Ryzen 5 5600X - PNY RTX 4080 Super @ 2715 MHz - Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8 kernel
Post Reply