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V7 & Opensuse

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:54 pm
by drf99
I'm becoming very frustrated at FAH v7. In a nutshell, FAHControl is a no show.
I'm followed the instructions in this link: ... start.html
So there is a link to Python 2.6
FAHClient is running, but only a 50% CPU and to team anonymous - Yippee!!.
I can start FAHControl --configure in a root terminal, and it appears to accept a user name, Team, passkey etc, but FAH Viewer still reports that it is Anonymous Team 0. :(


Re: V7 & Opensuse

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:08 pm
by 7im
I can't fix opensuse but you could edit the config file to set the power to full and put your user info in.

Re: V7 & Opensuse

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:47 am
by bruce
1) There might be more than one copy of config.xml on your system and you need to be updating the one being used by FAHClient.
2) Some changes to config.xml may require a stop/start of FAHClient to force it to read the file and incorporate the updated information into memory. If you use FAHControl to make updates, it's supposed to update both the file and the online information but there's a bug in that process with respect to remote connections and it's possible with respect to other changes. If you edit the file (not recommended), you WILL have to restart.