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Assignment of WUs

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:26 pm
by mfmburg
I have 3 Windows 10 PCs working for FAH.
1 notebook with a tiny MX130 GPU
1 older desktop with a GTX750TI
1 newer desktop with a GTX1060
All of them are installed with rev 7.6.21 of the FAH software, and are in the same network.

The surprising recent observations is that it is most likely that the most powerful GPU has the highest probability of not getting any tasks. In contrast, the note with the weakest GPU is always busy and idle times never occur.

Maybe this observation will help the team to find the problem with the allocation of the WUs.

Re: Assignment of WUs

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:39 pm
by JimboPalmer
Just background information:

Each entry in GPUs.txt has a vendor number and a species number.
The species number is assign by capability, so the GTX 1060 is a different species than the MX130 or GTX 750ti.

Every project a researcher designs will have species that at allowed (or denied) to fold that project.

One 'flaw' in this scheme is that as an example a GT 1030 and a GTX 1080ti have the same capability, but not the same performance, so will get the same projects. the GTX 1060 is 2:5 vendor 2 is Nvidia: species 5 is Pascal and the second wave of Maxwell.

Both your MX130 and GTX 750ti are early Maxwell and are vendor 2 and species 4.

Re: Assignment of WUs

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:58 pm
by bruce
Current species are heuristically allocated. If a high percentage of errors are discovered the project owner may exclude those assignments. In very rare cases, GPU performance is considered. Under the future planned system, performance will be more seriously considered.

Re: Assignment of WUs

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:00 pm
by mfmburg
it becomes more and more astonishing - since some weeks the smallest GPU is assigned tasks that cannot be completed within the time limit. The most powerful of the 3 GPUs has not been assigned any tasks for over a week.
So the only contribution that the computers make is a contribution to global warming and unfortunately none to the projects - that can't be it.

Re: Assignment of WUs

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 2:05 am
by JimboPalmer
I have to say, my GTX 1060 is getting consistent work.

If you could post the first 200 lines of your log, we might be able to give some advice why you are not.
