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Points Earned Mysteriously Changed/No Longer Accumulating

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:28 pm
by dmg5

I am running this most recent public release on a Windows 10 Pro laptop and use Web Control. I recently noticed that my Points Earned changed significantly overnight (to a vastly lower number), and that they no longer seem to be accumulating. Not important in the larger scheme of things, but I did enjoy watching them grow, and am worried that this might mean that there is some "glitch in the system". Web control shows that Folding is still active on both my CPU & GPU (I am running a Lenovo ThinkPad Extreme X1 Gen 2). I do not think I made any system changes or installed any new software when this problem surfaced.

Has any one else had this problem?


Re: Points Earned Mysteriously Changed/No Longer Accumulating

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:32 pm
by Joe_H
The points shown in Web Control are based on your username and passkey entered into the client. If either was changed or deleted unintentionally the points displayed would be based on what is currently there. Usually this happens when someone leaves out their passkey or change it.

Re: Points Earned Mysteriously Changed/No Longer Accumulating

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:24 pm
by BobWilliams757
There is currently a problem with the 7.6.xx version of web control where it's not displaying points. As far as I know, everything else is still functioning.... ... 161

From my understanding it's fine if you use advanced control.

If you're speaking of something other than this.... I can't say. Other than possibly you looked at total points accumulated vs expected points per work unit, the later being easily changed by other work units, and could change a lot if you had a crash or errors that slowed down a specific unit.

You can look up your username on the donor statistics here....

..... to see if they are in fact still accumulating as you do work.